Category: Fitness & Exercise

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Is Walking Really Effective for Your Fitness?

Is Walking Really Effective for Your Fitness?

Walking is a simple, fun way to get some exercise while enjoying the season and bonding with family. You can walk with family to catch up on the lat [...]
The Beginners Guide to Mountain Biking

The Beginners Guide to Mountain Biking

The modern off-road cycling sport began in Northern California during the late 1970s and today is a popular recreational and competitive activity. F [...]
How To Find The Right Gym For You

How To Find The Right Gym For You

Many people striving to lose weight, tone muscles and improve their overall health reach their goals at gyms, spas and health clubs. Many people stri [...]
What to Eat Before a Race

What to Eat Before a Race

Ask any runner, triathlete or walker what they eat before race day, and you’ll get a list of different answers as long as the race itself. What to ea [...]
12 Tips to Fire Up Your Metabolism

12 Tips to Fire Up Your Metabolism

Metabolism is the rate by at the human body consumes energy and calories. The higher the rate, the more effective the body is at burning excessive fa [...]
10 Best Exercises For Losing Love Handles

10 Best Exercises For Losing Love Handles

Nothing you do appears to help you get rid of your love handles and stubborn belly fat, even if you've tried crunches, exercise, and side bends. It m [...]
<strong>5 Ways to Alleviate Knee Pain</strong>

5 Ways to Alleviate Knee Pain

As we age, it is a sour inevitability that the scratches and bumps of our frivolous youth manifest in physical ailments that can quickly prove inconv [...]
Is Cardio or Resistance Training Better for Your Abdomen

Is Cardio or Resistance Training Better for Your Abdomen

When working out, you have two main choices of exercise: resistance or cardio. Both have their share of benefits, but if you want to maximize your ti [...]
10 At-Home Exercises To Help Maintain A Healthy Weight

10 At-Home Exercises To Help Maintain A Healthy Weight

To be fit overall, one must maintain a healthy weight, but getting to the gym or finding the motivation to exercise can be challenging. Fortunately, [...]
10 Stretching Exercises to Relieve Lower Back Pain

10 Stretching Exercises to Relieve Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain and chronic lower back pain affects 80% of people according to the National Center for Health Statistics. It is the leading reason in [...]
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